Root & Connect is Expanding
Why Hypnotherapy?
Unlock persistent, unconscious self-limiting patterns and beliefs.
Process traumatic memories:
Big T trauma- car accidents, assault, raised in an environment where mental health issues or substance use existed, domestic violence, all forms of abuse: sexual, physical, emotional, verbal.
small t trauma- childhood neglect or disapproval, emotional neglect, frequent moves during childhood/adolescence.
Hypnotherapy has been known to help in the treatment of:
Phobias, fears, and anxiety
Sleep issues
Post-trauma anxiety
Grief and loss
Dear Humans,
In 2010, my experience with receiving hypnotherapy sessions greatly assisted in my own healing and catapulted me towards awakening to a desire to heal more so that I could dedicate my life to wellness for Self and others.
My mission to offer this service is to expand the mindfulness based work that Root&Connect offers so that we together are able to tap into your unconscious and delve deeper into the causes of your suffering that keep you feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
I look forward to leaping into this new endeavor with you.
With Heart,