Yoga for Life


Root to Rise

Together we will Move and Stretch at the pace you need to help Transform your Body and Mind as you Notice your Spirit Awaken.

The name Root&Connect was partly inspired by the yoga teaching term, Root to Rise. I chose this name because I believe that humans just like trees have an innate desire to do just that...We need to Root in order to Rise.

My explanation for why I practice yoga is simple...To Feel Good, Live Balanced, and Get My Creative Juices Flowing.

Researched Benefits of Yoga are:

  • Decreases Stress

  • Relieves Anxiety

  • May Reduce Inflammation

  • A Healthier Heart

  • Reduces Symptoms of Depression

  • May Alleviate Chronic Stress

  • May Improve Sleep

I believe that practicing yoga regularly is similar to drinking from the fountain of youth. Why? Because good sleep & decreased stress are two essential ways for us to maintain whole, balanced health.

About 10 years ago, I found a small book at my mom's house called 'The Gift of Yoga' by Gena Kenny. The subtitle read, 'Journey Within to Find Happiness and Peace'.

During this time in my life, happiness and peace were what I was searching for, but rarely feeling. Although I had been practicing yoga here and there since 2001, it was not yet a discipline until after reading this book. In 2012, I made the commitment to complete a 200 hour yoga training in Vinyasa Flow Yoga. This experience slowly began to break me open. What came out of the cracks was not pretty and did not feel good, but it did save me.

My healing path was put into overdrive and there was no turning back to the old me anymore. The layers of my depression and anxiety were shedding off as I started to grow awareness of my true Self without all of the mental & emotional pain I had been carrying around for years.

Yoga means union of mind, body, and spirit. Often times, while I am practicing, I literally feel moments of ecstasy which are sparked from being in the flow while connecting these parts of me. The most amazing benefits are that transformation happens AND my creativity heightens as ideas about what to write or create pour out effortlessly.

Yoga is known to increase mobility so you can bring ease to your movement and not feel stuck in your body. The physical activity of yoga increases the motility (use of metabolic energy) & mobility of the organs and muscles so they can perform a natural detoxification process.

There are many forms of yoga. Together we can figure out which asanas (yoga poses) work best for you to Find Your Flow.

A mantra I adopted that I like to use with my clients goes like this… ‘Anyone Can Be Cool, But Awesome Takes Practice’.

To read more on yoga, visit:

For more info on benefits of yoga, visit: