Are you an “I don’t have time” kind of a person or are you an “I will make time for that” kind of a person?
Time is such a funny thing. Most of us feel as though we don’t have enough of it, when in reality, we all have just about the same amount. The difference between each of us is what we do with our time, how much we HAVE to do, and how much we also CHOOSE to put on our plate.
During group yesterday, one of the participants was talking about a church retreat he had just been to over the weekend. He lit up as he began to share the experience of feeling closer to God and ‘taking time’ to give thanks for all the ways that he has been blessed.
Something he said that stuck with me was that for many years he had been telling himself that he did not have time to go to church or get closer to God. He then said that he had had a realization during the retreat that saying he did not have time for God was silly when God was the one who was giving him time to begin with.
This got me to thinking about how time truly is a gift. From the moment we are born, time becomes a permanent part of our existence and each day we are either racing against the clock or moving along with it.
Since I began to incorporate mindfulness practices such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, pauses to notice my surroundings, and focused attention on the present moment, my view on time has shifted.
If I can be mindful when I am eating, exercising, cleaning, working, relating with others, and when I am with myself, then is it not possible to be more mindful about what I do with my time?
Bottom line: we make time for what we want to make time for. Just like everything that you want to see happen in your life, it seems as though you have to be willing to make time for time just as much as you make time for your priorities. What does your list of priorities look like? Does it include self-care? Does it include time to slow down?
Think of it this way: if you make time for your own wellness to nurture the parts of you that make you feel whole (complete), the people that you do dedicate time to will begin to notice that there is a better version of you that is more energetic, that feels good, and looks great!
Now who doesn’t want to spend time with someone like that? I know I do.