- Unplugging yourself from the stimulus we call “Life”
- Taking your energizer bunny batteries out to recharge while you sit in stillness
- Looking into your own mind from the outside with a different lens that slows everything down
- Sitting on a beach and watching the waves of the ocean come and go without jumping on any one wave (or attaching to any one thought)
- A monkey that stops swinging from branch to branch to find rest
- Connecting to your breath
- Getting out of your head and into your body
- Focusing on your breath or on a mantra so that you are able to stop the jibber jabber we call “Thinking”
- Allowing your breath to be the master of your mind so that your mind can be a better master for your body
- Healing
- Feeling body sensations, aches or pains and learning to how to release what does not serve you
- Feeling, feeling, feeling
- A way to being less reactive and more Mindful
- Listening to your higher self
- Practicing silence while accepting that sounds can exist without becoming distractions
- Observing your thoughts without feeling the need to control them
- How I go inward to get back to myself
- A gift for all of us to practice at any given moment
- Freedom from being controlled by our thoughts
- A natural elation
- A state of calm and peace that we search for in every other place, but ourselves
- Wonderful for your mind, body, spirit, and emotions
- To root and connect
If you want to know more about one form of meditation and its health benefits, visit http://www.tm.org/benefits-of-meditation