"Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow - you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift - today." ~Steve Maraboli
Today’s insight of the day seemed worth the share. What I like most about it is that it personifies the past and future while inviting you to practice mindfulness- today. When we allow ourselves to be in the moment, to open our eyes and really see all that is around us, we are being mindful and present to what is. The here and now becomes our reality being the only thing that really matters and so…we are able to relax and LET GO of all expectations of how we think things should be. We let go of our need to control the outcome and in the process we feel less anxiety, less tension, more ease, and more fulfillment.
This practice can be a natural part of your everyday. It’s simple. Just open your eyes and connect with the moment by focusing your attention on what is right in front of you. Take it all in and allow your thoughts to be solely about what's happening right then and there.
Mindfulness can change your life and view of the world. People, places, things, animals and most of all nature will take on new shapes, vibrant colors, and more meaning.
Stop. Look around. Connect. This IS it.