Have you ever had something you really want to do, but you just can’t seem to get around to doing it or completing it?
What about an idea for a creative project that keeps swirling around in your mind, only you can’t seem to find the time, the energy, the motivation or more importantly, the courage to get it started?
After reading the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, I now like to call the above experience, a ‘Creative Consciousness’ that finds its way into our own personal portal.
It knocks on the door of your heart and mind, dances around with your spirit for a moment or two as they both imagine the day that this ‘thing’, project or idea comes alive and becomes a reality.
This energy that I speak of IS inside all of us. It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist or not or consider yourself to be creative or not. You see we all have this spinning wheel of orange energy that lives inside our core. Literally this energy takes up space in the area between the pubic bone and the navel and we call it the sacral chakra. The qualities of the sacral chakra are movement, passion, sexuality, zest for life, and creativity because this is indeed the place where creation takes place. We all started out in this part of a woman's body.
As long as we exist with a beating heart, we breathe in the desire to create and we breathe out the will to manifest that which we have created in our imagination. You say you don’t have imagination? Why of course you do. As long as you have a heart and a brain, you have an imagination. The key is to take time to be still, connect with your breath, calm your stream of thoughts, and give yourself permission to relax so that you are able to shift away from survival mode and into manifestor mode.
Here is the tricky part of the sacral chakra. The energy of the sacral chakra is meant to move, to make, to create. This orange energy swirls around inside of us and serves as fuel for a fire that wants to be ignited. If we don’t make efforts to WILL this fire into existence then this fire will be released in other ways. For instance, through grief, anger, frustration, irritation, depression, and of course anxiety. Do any of these sound familiar?
An actual fire starts as the result of a chemical reaction where oxygen, fuel, and heat react with one another at just the right temperature to create a combustion. Think of the combustion as a sort of explosion of energy that happens because it needs to. What if the combustion is also part of the human make up? What if we all actually need to create regularly in order to avoid an explosion that causes chaos inside of us instead of an explosion of a stunning or simple work of art or an idea turned into reality that others can appreciate too.
Remember that to create does not mean you have to be a Picasso or a Gauguin. Creating means making something, anything with your heart, your mind, your eyes, and your hands. When I think of creating, I don’t just go to an amazing painting or sculpture. This creativity exists in so many different forms – writing a song, designing t-shirts or jewelry, cooking a new recipe, mixing essential oils, making soap or candles or lotions, mosaics, designing a card or writing a letter to a loved one, building something out of metal or wood, gardening, poetry, photography, drawing. This list goes on and on.
Let me leave you with this question to sit with: What do YOU want to create?
Try not to consider this another to DO on your list of to do’s. Contemplate that maybe just maybe, this ‘thing’ that wants to be created by you is nudging you to turn that fire inside of you into an actual form of fire on the outside that will shine bright for others to see and be warmed by. And perhaps, this unique fire you create for yourself will ignite something special for others to believe in their capacity to create as well.
When you are able to build up the courage to begin the thing that’s been knocking on your internal door, you will feel a sense of confidence, clarity and calm that will transform into an awesome feeling of freedom and purpose because you are serving both you and others. And this is why we are all here.
This all has me thinking that perhaps this is how we arrive and get to experience Relaxed Power and Grounded Anger.
I have thought about writing this article since March. It was knocking at my heart’s door and today it came to life. Yay! Creative Consciousness has been swirling around and inside me for many years and I am so grateful to share that I am finally creating the things that my heart, mind and spirit have been longing to create.
One of those 'things' is a Kids Channel on YouTube called The Feelings Doctor!
Why a Kids Channel? As a former teacher, tutor, coach and school counselor for elementary aged children, I know there is a need for kids to grow their emotional intelligence. I also know that school counselor positions have been gradually getting cut out of certain school districts because of one reason or another. As a psychotherapist for mostly adults, I’ve learned that there is a need for people of all ages to grow their emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence assists in our emotional health just as much as it does our mental health. I believe that kids today need a safe place where they can talk about their thoughts and feelings. They also need a safe place where they can be informed of important life skills that are not taught in schools or at home. We as humans all need to learn how to have a relationship with the parts that make us whole - our Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions.
My goal for this channel is to teach and explain as we explore parts of our humanity through curiosity and creativity!
**A friendly request to please support the kids channel by subscribing and by sharing this link with one person you know who has a child or teenager in their home: