The latter part of 2014 brought about some trials and tribulations that I wasn't expecting. From the experiences I was forced to endure, I learned yet again that life happens, things rarely go the way we planned them to, and that true character is defined by how you deal with what comes your way and how you pick yourself back up.
My father came to spend the last few days of 2014 with me and we celebrated Christmas together. He is a very religious man who lives by faith. As long as I can remember, he has suggested that I do two things to help me get through this life: pray and meditate. His December visit influenced me to turn to something higher than myself for the reassurance and peace that I was so desperately seeking. For me, this force of energy that I so strongly believe in is called God.
I started out 2015 with a different mindset. Now, I was beginning to understand that I did not have to go through the trials and tribulations alone because I believe that there is something greater that is here to assist us whenever we need it to. Rather than feed the pain, I choose to feed the breath (the moment to moment of what is).
When we believe that something will happen, we begin to manifest it. Even better, when we expect for something to happen, we are setting energy in motion to make our desire come to fruition. The trick to believing is allowing yourself to connect and feel your heart's desire, to envision the desire, and to truly feel as though what you want, already exists.
To believe is to trust and once there is absolute trust, you are able to let go and live by faith. The power of the soul (heart) and mind can either serve you or hurt you. When you find it difficult to believe, notice if what you are feeding into is your pain caused by fear, insecurity, or doubt. Observe what begins to happen in your life once you are able to loosen the reins of those discomforting emotions and just believe.
From my own personal experience, I can say that the more I believe, the more I receive and things just happen because I trust that they will. A good friend of mine once said something very wise. She said, “even when things aren't going my way, I realize that they ARE going my way.” This is what I call living by faith.
In the picture below is my new bicycle that I desired and envisioned long before coming to Maui. I believed that once here, I would be able to find a bike for a low price to help me get around. The day I arrived, my friend said his roommate was selling his bike with flat tires for $50. I took it to the bike shop for a tune up and ended up spending $125 total. The guy at the bike shop said the bike was worth $500 originally and that if I wanted to sell it, I could get $250 to 300 for it. This is just a silly, yet simple example of how when you believe, you WILL receive.