Yin is the dark and Yang is the light.
Today, I'd like to share some phrases I've heard from others that captured the attention of my brain and heart. These words have helped me shift perspective so that I'm able to approach life (and what happens for me) in a lighter way. They also remind me to not take myself too seriously.
- Pour your mind into your breath. ~ yoga teacher R.D.
Doesn't the imagery of this make you feel more free inside?
I imagine my mind as an antique water jug filled with endless thoughts that need to be freed into an open space of flowing energy and movement. The endless currents of my thinking need a place to deposit just as the rivers run into the oceans.
- Relax, nothing is under control. ~ yoga teacher R.D.
I love a good oxymoron! This one screws with & fascinates my brain kind of like a rubiks cube does. As humans, we are almost always wanting to feel in control because we like things our way or we want to be certain of what will happen next. Essentially, we seek safety, security or comfort.
If this pandemic has taught us anything, it is that nothing is under control.
What does this statement bring up for you- a sense of fear or freedom?
If you can learn to believe deep down in your core, that you are okay and no matter what, you will be okay...the practice of relaxing becomes more natural and easy.
- Smile at your brain. ~ yoga teacher R.D.
Oh dear brain, how I love you and despise you. We give so much of our power to the brain while often times we ignore our heart. If we could remember to smile at our brain then perhaps we could learn to take it less seriously. The master of the brain is the body and the master of the body is our breath. Smile at your brain and lighten up. Think less, feel more.
- This is exceptionally temporary. ~ M.E.
Old Buddhist saying? Not exactly, but sure does sound like one. Expressed by a creative client of mine who didn't realize the wisdom in his words. As the Buddhist teachings remind us – 'Everything in life is temporary. Every birth is a death. Every death is a birth. Transformation is infinite.'
Isn't everything in life extraordinarily temporary?
Life has become more enjoyable to live since the moment my mind and heart both accepted that everything is a process. All things are ever-changing. This includes our Self. We are a process and our state of being is exceptionally temporary. Today you will think and feel one way. Tomorrow you may wake up to think and feel a new way.
This is what makes living life so beautiful. There is a gentle delicacy with impermanence, similar to the cherry blossom petals that fall each spring.
Bask in the temporary called now. Move towards the light by working to reframe how you perceive your reality.