These words have been in the making in my mind for quite some time. They were inspired most recently during a yoga class by this woman's foot you see here above. And before that, from a book I have been reading mindfully for the last year called 'The Hidden Life of Trees'.
It's the kind of book where one chapter feeds you enough information to chew on for days. Then when you're done chewing, you go out into nature to hang with trees with a new consciousness about what's going on inside of them.
I've enjoyed getting to know the life of trees on a deeper, more intimate level because 1. I love trees and 2. I like to explore things on a more intimate level.
Intimate defined as an adjective means very friendly, or personal or private. Originally the spelling was 'intime' from French and from Latin 'intimus' meaning 'innermost', from intus meaning 'within'.
So basically, I am interested in understanding 'the innermost, within' places of human beings and trees. Cats would be fun too. You know, the simple things.
What I've learned from this book is that underneath our feet living in the soil amongst the trees are more life forms than there are people on the planet. Wow!
These species work the soil, transform it, and make it valuable for the trees. They are so important and yet they cannot be detected with the naked eye. These practically invisible little creatures are actually the first link in the food chain.
This was mind enlightening information which brought a new awareness for me about the circle of life. I had always known the importance of soil in order to grow food, but I had no idea of the multitude of tiny creatures doing their part to help both us and trees sustain life on earth.
I have felt influenced to be even more intentional about the small and simple things we usually take for granted and/or don't even think about. I've been noticing more, particularly in nature. The tiny leaves of a flower, the softness of petals, the smell of a stem, the aging of trees, the soil beneath my feet.
As my way of giving back, I try to imagine these little life forms being busy underground and working hard to keep this all going. I send them love and energy through feeling gratitude for them. I do this because I want to feel a more intimate connection to them while supporting their cause.
Why? Because I truly believe that we are all one. We are one with all living things. Even the simple things we think don't matter, are in reality the things that matter most.
This time of year reminds us to feel and demonstrate gratitude. What do you feel gratitude for? Who are you grateful to have in your life?
Take a mindful moment to express this gratitude to others and to all the simple things around you. And don't forget the little guys that live beneath our feet.
Happy Give Thanks Day this week and every day!