What is your relationship to mother earth?
Do you ever think about how much she does for all that lives and breathes?
In yoga a few weeks ago, a lovely teacher ended the class with these gentle words during Shavasana, 'let the embrace of the earth come to meet you exactly where you're at'.
This stirred up warm, fuzzy feelings inside of me as my mind visualized trees spreading out their branches to hug me as I walked by on the cool, moist grass soothing my achy feet and feeling comforted by the blue open sky with soft puffy clouds.
My relationship with mother earth has been growing more and more since I discovered my love for trees and the ease that being in nature brings me. The epiphany I had when I moved to Portland was ‘you are never alone, but when you do feel lonely, go be with the trees’.
Mother Nature has become deeply rooted underneath me and also inside of me because her calm and wisdom and love is infinite when I choose to listen.
This past weekend, I was catching up with an old friend from my counseling graduate program who shared that in the last few days she had participated in a group meditation that invited her to connect with the spirit of mother earth to offer gratitude for all that she provides us humans. My friend said that in her 43 years of life, she had never experienced this kind of awareness and love for mother earth before.
It dawned on me that perhaps there are many people like my friend who don't have a close and personal relationship with nature. Much of this has to do with nature vs. nurture. If you live in a place where being in nature is part of daily life, then perhaps you will grow an affinity for it. And if you were born in a place where concrete has replaced the majority of trees and dirt, then it's possible that awareness of mother earth is an afterthought.
There has been quite a bit of talk about this past week being the end of a cosmic cycle and the start of a new galactic year. A time to release old energy and forgive the past before moving into a new cosmic year with a brand new frequency to our planet based on alignment and our ability to attract soul-fulfilling connections and experiences.
What this means for us all is that the energy of the earth is something we feel each day regardless of whether or not we are aware of it. Earth is consistently holding us, feeding us with its energy, and embracing us. We are the creatures which inhabit her. We live in symbiosis with mother nature because this is what we need to live and survive.
Take time out of your daily concrete and steel confinement to breath in the air, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the moisture of the grass beneath your feet. Mother earth wants for all of us to thrive and feel more alive.
Last Saturday, I went to see a wonderful movie call Yesterday. The premise of the movie is a struggling singer-songwriter who discovers that no one has ever heard of the Beatles music and so he decides to spread the beautiful words of love and truth from all of their songs. This inspired me to research if the Beatles ever wrote about mother nature and well, of course they did! Go on, take a listen…the lyrics are below the video.
Sing to Mother Nature and make her happy!
Mother Nature’s Son by the Beatles
Born a poor young country boy
Mother Nature's son
All day long I'm sitting singing songs for everyone.
Sit beside a mountain stream
See her waters rise
Listen to the pretty sound of music as she flies.
Find me in my field of grass
Mother Nature's son
Swaying daises sing a lazy song beneath the sun.
Mother Nature's son.