Make Your Breath Your Favorite Soundtrack
What is your favorite song?
Is it the lyrics or the melody that moves you?
What instruments are playing in the song?
Can you imagine what we humans would be like and feel like if we payed as much attention to our breath as we did to the music we love to listen to?
I heard these words from one of my yoga teachers a few months ago and since then, I have been trying to form a new and different kind of relationship with my breath. As I brainstorm about actions to take to transform Root&Connect into something more than just a website and a blog, I have come to this very important conclusion:
My relationship with my breath is just as important as the relationship I have with my mind, my body, my spirit, my emotions, and with others. How do I know this to be true?
As I learn more about mindfulness and how it helps us, I have greater understanding of how everything is about energy!
Our thoughts are energy, our emotions are energy, our movements are energy. And our breath is what feeds and circulates our energy. Taking more deep, mindful breaths brings new energy to our bodies that nourishes, soothes, and calms us.
Breath defined is: an inhalation or exhalation of air from the lungs and the power of breathing; life.
Breathe defined is: take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process and be or seem to be alive because of this.
If our breath is what is essential for us to exist, doesn't it make sense for us to be more mindful of it by giving energy to noticing it, engaging with it, feeling it, and best of all sitting in silence and stillness to hear it more often?
Daily practice tip: Try taking a few pauses throughout your day to connect with your breath and get curious about it.
What does it sound like?
What does it feel like as it goes in and out of your lungs?
What is the quality of your breath?
Do you like how it sounds?
What does focusing on the sound of your breath cause you to feel?
Turn your breath into one of your favorite soundtracks. Press play at any time and jam on.