The season of giving is almost to an end. During the month of December, I took the time to talk with my groups about giving by first asking them to reflect on what giving meant to each of them on a personal level.
The question I posed was, “How do you give?
Initially, the response was a room full of men with blank stares so I felt the need to further explain.
One of the things that most all of us have been programmed to believe is that Christmas is a time to shop for gifts so we actually have something to give to the ones we love. This notion that the only meaningful way to give is by spending money on stuff for others has changed the purpose of celebrating Christmas and misguided our focus on what giving this time of year is all about.
Jesus taught us that to give is to love and it is true that when we receive a gift from someone, we feel loved by them. The important thing to remember is that there are many ways for us to give to others that doesn't involve spending money, stressing about not having enough money, or feeling less because we don't have stuff to give.
These few words helped the men in group to understand what I was encouraging them to realize: That we have a wealth of gifts to give to others that exist within us, always available, and at no cost. These are the emotional gifts that make lasting imprints creating memories that often times mean more than any one thing you put on a shelf or store in a closet.
When we give to others from our hearts, the gift of Love is shared and truly felt. Isn't that the whole meaning of Christmas?
I think that is what Jesus would want all of us to remember on the day of his birthday. Rather than giving from having, we give from our being.
The group shared this list and so my gift is to share it with you.
What I Give is:
- Time
Words that Express How I Feel
An Open Heart