An intention is a thing intended, an aim or a plan.
During this time before the new year begins, it's common for people to pause and reflect on what happened throughout the year, how they spent their time, who they surrounded themselves with, and if goals that were set, were actually met.
For many years I've heard yoga teachers suggest setting an intention at the beginning of class as a way to help people remain mindful throughout the practice.
I interpret intention setting as a way to tame the mind by bringing focused attention onto one purposeful thought, want, need or desire that we wish to see actualized.
In 2014, I decided that setting intentions outside of yoga class, in day to day life would be just as helpful in keeping me centered on what my heart, mind, and spirit are longing for. When you set an intention, you actively engage these parts of yourself and allow them to speak to you so that you are able to know what it is that you truly need. The trick is knowing how to be silent and still long enough to hear what these parts of you are saying.
You can set an intention for just about anything you want to see happen in your life or within your own self. Set an intention for love, for peace, for prosperity, for the day, or even for the entire year. The simplest way for me to know what intention to set is to notice which thoughts come to mind most often or which thoughts I invest more energy in.
Here are a few intentions I set for myself this past year:
Be fully present for others and to life as it is now
Love others just as they are
Love you exactly the way you are
Trust that all is as it should be
Feel and Show Gratitude
Peace of Mind
What I Seek is Seeking Me
Now it's your turn. Set an intention for 2015 and stay mindful on whatever it is. Happy New Year!!