A few months ago during SXSW, I helped a friend of a friend find a space where she could talk to people about the business of dream catching. Karen Christensen is the Head Dreamcatcher of Dreamcatcher's District, which she refers to as a global tribe of creative change-makers that are living a life they love because they are doing work that matters to them.
Root&Connect is based on the belief that if you are able to connect with mind, body, spirit, and your emotions, you will feel more rooted (grounded) and you will be able to better connect with people and your community.
One of the things I talk about with individual clients and in group is the connection with spirit and what that truly means to me. The best way to describe how I see connecting to one's spirit is figuring out what it is that you are most passionate about, what lights your inner fire, and what makes YOU feel most alive.
I thoroughly enjoyed being present at the Dreamcatcher's District event where Karen spoke energetically in a way that motivated everyone in the room to think about what it meant to be in touch with what you really feel in order to know what it is you want to do or what you believe that you are meant to do. She asked us to write down what our limiting core belief was such as “What if others don't see the purpose of it?” and then invited us to rewrite it as a core belief without limits such as “Others WILL see its purpose and feel inspired.”
When an idea to do something comes to life in your mind, the options are: turn the idea into a creation (or a reality) and run with it until it comes to fruition or keep the idea as a thought until you are ready to turn it into something real. One of the ways that I think our spirit tries to connect with us is by replaying the thought of an idea or a desire over and over in our minds. The question is, are you present and in tune with yourself enough to be able to recognize that these thoughts just might be your spirit trying to guide you towards what it truly desires for you to do?
Dreamcatcher's District is sending a message out to the world that is loud and clear to us all- Make your dream a reality! When you realize that life is too short to live it doing something you have no interest, desire or passion to do, Dreamcatcher's District can help give you a jumpstart in making it actually happen. The key is learning to master your peak performance state otherwise known as 'flow' through discovering and then doing what it is that makes you feel satisfaction, fulfillment, integrity, engagement, meaning, and confidence.
Through her live events, privates, coaching, and meditation groups, Karen is creating a movement to help encourage people to find meaning and take risks by implementing daily routines and strategies that will smash their fear and motivate them to live out their truth, purpose, passion, and feel more connected with spirit. For me, this means living authentically and that is what life is all about.
Dreamcatcher's District invites you to say YES! Smash Fear, Get Noticed, and Feel Free.
If you are ready to transform your life and catch your dream, visit www.dreamcatchersdistrict.com