One of my favorite past times is to take mindful walks around my neighborhood. The difference between going on a walk vs. a mindful walk is what you do and what you focus your attention on while walking.
When clients initially come to see me for counseling, the first few sessions involve my talking about what mindfulness is about and why it helps to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety. The quick explanation is that mindfulness is learning to have focused attention on one thing so that you are able to be more aware of what is happening in the present moment. You are now here vs. nowhere.
Mindful walking is my introduction into a mindfulness practice that clients can begin to engage in because it involves movement of the body which most people are already familiar with and comfortable doing. We all know how to walk. The difference is, can you walk with intention to be mindful of taking in all there is to experience and observe during a leisurely or sometimes more brisk walk outside?
During my mindful walks, I take pleasure in absorbing all there is to see with great detail and attention. I begin by connecting with my feet and feel them firmly planted on the earth. This connection allows me to feel steardy and strong as I move forward with ease and confidence that my focused attention will observe many beautiful things along my path.
Some days, I stick to the neighborhood streets where I encounter breathtaking trees that allow me to practice mindfulness as I hone in on the details of the different shapes and colors of their leaves. My attention also seeks out furry, friendly, and sometimes frisky cats because these animals make me feel happy and calm. Sometimes, I make it a point to zone in on small things that I may have missed during the other 20 times I passed by that exact same spot. Discovering new things is part of the fun!
It's amazing what you find and what meets the eye when you purposefully focus your attention in order to be mindful of all the wonderful things that nature provides and surrounds us with. On this particular day, I decided to take a mindful walk/hike in Blunn Creek because I am fortunate enough to live by this nature rich preserve that feels like another world altogether.
I invite you to begin taking mindful walks as your first step in mindfulness practices that will begin to change how you feel on the inside. See for yourself how focusing your attention on the beauty of life and nature will help you to be more present and NOW HERE. Walk on!