Dear Root&Connect Readers,
This is by far my longest blog post and first interview that I am dedicating to one of the best yoga teachers I have practiced with in Austin, TX thus far. Meet Erika Kluthe, otherwise known as the woman who is Keeping Yoga Weird in Austin with her uniquely heart-filled style of yoga called Yogalchemy. She is one of a kind and her mission is to create a sensory and emotional experience that will change you from the inside out. Her yoga class taps into my inner bliss and leaves me feeling the 9 C's: calm, curious, courageous, clarity, creative, confident, centered, connected, and compassion. I share this with you in hopes to awaken your curiosity to expereince the 9 C's for yourself as well.
What Erika calls Yogalchemy, I think of as mindfulness yoga which uses the body, the breath, and the five senses to move you, soothe you, and heal you.
To see for yourself what a class with Erika might be like, visit her at Sukha, Dharma or Practice Yoga.
What inspired you to become a Yogi?
I was a lone, long-distance runner from about age 15-30 or so. It was my head,heart, and body medicine until one day, it stopped working. I was desperate for some mental and emotional relief from the overwhelming, acute, long-term pain I was experiencing (the cause(s): a story of its own for another day). The regular practice of yoga helped pull me out of tremendous depths of pain when nothing else was working.
A ha Yoga moment...
I had just moved to Austin from the Hill Country which was home for two years, and prior to that, South Florida. When I moved to Austin, I was recovering from a string of very difficult and painful years, and I was at what felt like my most painful point (I felt like I was cloaked in a suffocating darkness for 9 months straight). A dear friend invited me to a yoga studio and so I went begrudgingly. One yoga class and suddenly a little crack happened, it was like light and air came in. Nothing else had worked. I needed relief badly so I went back the next day. I've struggled for years with anxiety and depression. I was in the worst space of my life and running was no longer helping in the same way. I no longer felt emotional release from running, but instead it came from practicing yoga. I told my friend, “I'm going to do this everyday. I'm fully in.” My word meant very little at that time so my friend just said “Ok Erika.”
The teachers were positive and heart-filled. I just needed to feel safe. The yoga studio became the only place that felt safe in the entire city. The teachers would ask how my day was going. They would help me correct my poses by making adjustments which was the only time in what seemed like a while, I felt warmed by the human touch. I was so badly in need of the healing touch that yoga provided. Each day I would set my mat in the far corner of the room (for what turned into a couple of years) of me bald-headed, bloated, angry, and very sad as I cried my way back in to life through the practice of yoga.
I believe that yoga is a powerful medicine. It has the potential to be a modern day shamanism in the west. We are healing, and in doing so we are elevating the collective consciousness.
When I came across the advertisement for a teacher training whose completion date was on the day of my 33rd birthday, I saw that as a sign and decided to apply. At 28, a particularly helpful therapist got me out of one my most difficult spots. She said, "If you continue to live this way you will die by age 33, Erika." I thought, wouldn't that be an awesome celebration of renewed life to graduate as a yoga teacher on this particular birthday.
The path to Yogalchemy...
I wanted to offer a full sensory experience as my personal offering. Ana Forest created her own style of yoga called Forest yoga. It's her own personal offering and in reading her biography, I discovered I needed to create, from within, one that speaks to my own truth.
My desire is for people to have an experience. Like going to a movie. I think that one reason people like going to the movies is because they are transported into a different experience. You emerge into a space where you are able to laugh, cry, habitual thinking is shut off to rest, and we get out of this linear, rational screaming brain. I thought, let's give people another option for an experience that they can be a part of where they're moving, as though now they can be the character in the movie, and involved in the sensory and emotional experience that's personal. An experience that is their story and true to their heart.
Yogalchemy is primal. Indigenous cultures do this stuff and we've moved away from it. There's a deep wisdom in these actions that I think we are moving back to. I called it a heart based decision when I decided to do the teacher training and close to my heart was the information I learned about the chakras so I decided I would teach myself more about it in order to teach it. The chakras gave me a starting point from which to build.
During a fall semester in graduate school, many years back, I read a book called Dime Store Alchemy and that Halloween I dressed up as a wild poet alchemist. I carried a long kitchen spoon as a stand-in wand (so as to turn people’s dross into gold, of course, ahem). Fast forward to just a few months ago after teaching a class, a fellow yogi approached me to say that she had really enjoyed the whole experience because of how it incorporated the use of all the senses during the practice. She called it Mindfulness Yoga and then referred to me as a Yoga Magician. I replied to her, “No, I’m a Yoga Alchemist!”
I desire to bring ceremony (the sacred) into a modern context and normalize it. I say let’s normalize because really it’s all in service to healing and expansion. I want people to know that there is an energy in all things, and that that energy is a loving one. Among many of the texts I consult regularly is Eastern body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith which has been an important guide for me. I research, study, and explore a broad spectrum of resources from acclaimed neuroscientists and anthropologists to Shamans, other spiritual healers, and world-renowned spiritual teachers.
What makes up Yogalchemy and its Sensory Experience...
Chakras- Each chakra has given characteristics. A color, a location in the body, a natural element associated with it, and psychological and informational vortex of energy. I collect knowledge and meditate regularly. When I drop into meditative states of consciousness, I feel divinely inspired and begin to visualize how the yoga class is going to come together from start to finish. Since I've learned to quiet my mind, it feels as though stones (ideas) are laid out to guide me. It used to take me hours and I would exhaust myself trying to create these classes. Now meditation, along with a fuller body of knowledge, allows me to intuitively create the layout of the class with tremendous ease and joy.
Combining the chakras with poems- I look for a poem that speaks to the chakra. I choose poetry that is largely sensory-driven. Poetry that attempts to encourage in the reader an ecstatic state. My poems have colorful, gooey, scratching words to create an auditory experience that the reader could run their hands through in an attempt to create a sensory mosaic of sorts. In a way I feel as if this is now what I am attempting to achieve in my yoga classes through the use of different mediums.
See- the colored candles are set up for people to have a center of focus, blind folding that encourages pratyahara- withdraw of the external senses to encourage an inward inquiry, dharana- single pointed focus with eyes closed to still the mind with visualizations.
Hear- vissudha is the throat chakra, the color associated with this energetic center is light bright blue and the natural element to which it is associated is sound waves. Music used- digeridoo, shamanic rhythmic drumming, Tibetan singing bowl music. The sound waves are vibrating at the same frequency so they connect and match with the body's energetic wave length creating an energetic effect in a specific part of the body. Affirmations repeated such as “I am safe” and “I have everything I need.”
Taste- bringing food to taste after the class- mint, red apples, oranges, sparkling water. The poetry also helps to create this sensory experience.
Touch- the practice of placing hands on people to offer an intuitive, loving touch. The cool river stones that have a specific color of a chakra. I encourage for stones to be held or put on a specific chakra to draw awareness to that part of the body. Shakti mat- a modern day bed of nails for people to step on. Washing of hands in epsom salt and sage to energetically cleanse.
Smell- Essential oils sprays, rubbing and smelling soil, salt or beach sand to ingnite the sense of touch and smell to experience an energetic transfer.
I suggest an off the mat yoga assignment each week to help people continue the yoga practice in daily life. Alchemy is the precursor of chemistry. It's a science of transformation. Yogalchemy is personal transformation from the inside out. I want to share with people tools of how to take in the energy and information through the use of the 5 senses to balance their energetic body (most specifically the 7 main chakras), to still the mind, and regulate the central nervous system in order to return to a natural, essential state of well-being, joy, and bliss.
I believe that despite external conditions, we can feel this way (as good as we want to feel) all of the time. We simply have to train and practice remembering who we are at our essence. Yogalchemy is the practice of releasing all resistant energy. Resistant energy is anything that detracts us from our natural state. Our natural state is one of feeling whole, joyful, blissful, and calm. To be human is a miracle. We can feel bliss naturally when we discover that we, at our essence are bliss.
More on Energy and Why it IS Everything...
Very simply put, everything is made up of energy. Energy is in the form of waves (think of a whip snapping, or ocean waves rolling). Energy collects in different patterns or forms of varying densities (fine like a breeze, or sound, or heavier like water or a human body). When we become quiet and still our minds, we can tune into the subtleties (the lesser dense forms of energy).
Once we become aware (conscious) of these subtler forms, we may also discover that we have the capacity to move, change or alter our own energy (energetic field). One simple way to do this: Where you move your awareness, you move your energy.
Place your full attention or awareness on a negative or painful thought or memory. The emotional sensation that inevitably follows is energy focused in a certain way, at a given point or location (heart, gut, shooting down the arms). Imagine something or someone you love deeply. Or remember a very fond or fun memory. Energy has now shifted and is vibrating at a higher frequency than when the thought was a painful one. Thought is an actual form of energy, slightly less dense than air, sound, and light. Shift your awareness and shift your energy. A simple, and profoundly useful moment to moment practice.
My desire is to expose you, experientially, to various healing/meditative modalities and techniques so that you can find a way that works for you to still your mind, self-soothe, heal, and practice returning to your natural state which is one of unconditional well-being (keywords: practice and unconditional).
When our mind is still, we have released all negative resistance or energy and are able to then align with pure Source energy. We didn’t come here to struggle. We came here to live our Truth. The reality is that we are ever-expanding, on the leading edge of creation, limitless, and can exist in a state of well-being, happiness, joy, even bliss...IF we want it.
Yogalchemy in a Nutshell and Guide on Ways to Practice it...
What Yogalchemy offers is a layered experience; a patchwork quilt of various therapeutic modalities: aromatherapy, Pranayama: breath exercises, sound-therapy, healing touch, guided meditation/visualization, TRE: Trauma Releasing Exercises, EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique, restorative/chakra-opening yoga poses, Kundalini Kriyas, affirmations, mudras, mantras in Sanskrit, etc etc...